Constitution of Keith and District Local Heritage Group
1. Name: Keith and District Local Heritage Group (Hereinafter called the “Group”)
2. Object:
A) The object of the group shall be to advance the education of the public in the history of Keith and District and in furtherance thereof: to collect and compile recorded items, artefacts and writings of Local Historic interest and to preserve and deposit the said articles in Keith Library for use within the Library by future Local History Students.
B) To raise funds to pay for collating and preserving the said articles and any other related expenses.
C) To visit similar groups and provide hospitality to visiting clubs and to promote social integration between all age groups.
3. Membership: The Committee with the Group’s agreement may admit as members of the Group any person(s) interested in Local History and agreeable to objectives of the Club.
4. Ordinary General Meetings: Co-ordinator or Committee may call an Ordinary General Meeting.
5. A.G.M.: A.G.M. of members of the Group shall be held during the month of October each year for election of Committee members and for report of independently examined accounts.
6. Honorary Officers: At the A.G.M. members of the Group shall appoint a Coordinator Vice Co-ordinator Secretary and Treasurer and such other officers as may be decided upon.
7. Committee: The Group shall be managed by a Committee of Honorary officers six committee members all elected at A.G.M.
8. Procedure at Meetings:
A) A quorum at any A.G.M. shall be five and at any Committee meeting shall be five.
B) The Secretary shall keep minutes of Group.
9. Finance:
A) The financial year shall run from Ist October — 30th September.
B) The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of Group’s finances.
C) Members shall pay a monthly payment as decided by Committee.
D) The income and property of the Group, wheresoever derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of Groups aims as set out in Clause Two.
E) No payment shall be made to any Member of the Group or Honorary Officer except repayment of out-of pocket expenses.
F) At end of financial year, the accounts shall be independently examined and submitted for Group’s information.
10. Dissolution: If the Committee on the grounds of expense or lack of support agree that it be desirable to dissolve Group, it shall call a Special General Meeting, giving fourteen days notice in writing to each Group member stating the teillis of any Resolution to be proposed thereat.In the that such a resolution is carried, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Group, but shall be given or transferred to a recognised charitable organisation(s) having objects similar to those of the Group.
11. Special General Meeting: At Special General Meeting of Group, if a decision to dissolve the Group is voted on by a simple majority of those present, the Committee shall wind up the Group’s affairs. Any assets/monies in hand shall be dispersed at the discretion of majority of Group Members.
12. Amendments to the Constitution: The Constitution may be amended by a Resolution passed by a simple majority of those present voting on said amendment at any General Meeting of the Group, provided that written notice of the meeting has been sent to all members stating the Resolution to be proposed thereat not less than fourteen days before the date of meeting. No alteration shall be made which would have the effect of causing the Group to cease to be recognised by Inland Revenue Charities as a charity.
This is certified as a true copy of the Constitution of Keith and District Local Heritage Group.